Leigha and the Triplets

Friday, July 27, 2007

Robert Misunderstood Me

Doesn't he look like a sweet boy? He is resting on the couch, watching TV, without a care in the world.

I think he misunderstood my excitement the other day. I was so incredibly happy that Matthew was finally climbing the stairs on his own. People commented on how he was a climber, and cheered him on. Noah and Matthew also get a lot of praise for the fact that they know their alphabet, can identify letters (all upper case and most lower case), and they can count to 10. Robert is the one that gets things done. I guess I didn't praise him enough this week.

Last night I finally had to put him up in his crib for a time out. He was irritating me by throwing toys between the gate PROTECTING MY TV and the TV. I would empty it out, tell him to put them back in the buckets, and then he would start. Then I would turn around and he was throwing them back in the abyss. I decided he needed to go up to his room. He just sat screaming and bawling for the first few minutes. Then silence. I should have known something was wrong. Silence with triplets is not always a good thing.

All of a sudden, I heard a door close. Then I heard another door close. As I sit staring at Leigha, Noah, and Matthew, I wondered what the chances were that my two cats have figured out how to open and close doors. Sure enough, the crib was empty. Robert was in my room on the phone (that hasn't worked in YEARS).

When I was praising Matthew for being a climber, I guess I should have explained to the other two that it was only for climbing STAIRS! I wasn't ready for this.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I'm LOL. I remember those days. My 3 youngest aren't triplets but are very close in age(2 are only 4 mos apart, adoption) and the 3 of them have been the same size since toddler years. I've had a touch of the life with boy triplets...bless you. Enjoy the ride, it gets better and better. :)

Thanks for stopping by Slurping Life and for your support of Love for Parker.

I'll have to come back and read more here at your blog. Looks like a fun place. Your daughter and sons are beautiful children.

Michele S said...


Looks like you need you some crib tents, Missy!

Kei said...

Oh, the achievements! Always a cue to check on 'em when they are being quiet. The things I've found mine doing~ oy!