Leigha and the Triplets

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Happy 40th Birthday, Noe!

Man, I never realized I married an old man! Noe turned 40 last Friday. I think he's starting to feel his age! He is ALWAYS sick and something is ALWAYS hurting. He's falling apart on me.

We got Noe a new camera, because my old one was too big for him to carry it around. He loves his new camera, and this one has sound with the movies! It also fits in his pocket, if he wanted to put it in there. Now I will be able to catch boys on tape and put it up here more often.

Uncle Jerry, Aunt Bobbie, and Leigha made Noe a cake! We LOVE angel food cake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, how come you can't comment on your newer posts???? What's up with that?