Leigha and the Triplets

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Spring Pictures

Last month was picture day for our school. Leigha is trying to grow her bangs out, so they are really getting long. She wore the dress that Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Jerry gave her for her birthday. It's beautiful! I curled her hair, too. I was so annoyed with how fast they rushed her through her pictures. They didn't take the time to really look and see if the shot was OK. Overall, I wasn't happy with her photos.

Leigha had brought a change of clothes with her so that she wouldn't be stuck in a dress all day. However, Mom did not realize that she would be taking pictures in the afternoon, too! She is a "typical peer" for the afternoon Early Childhood program. As luck would have it, those afternoon pictures turned out pretty cute. I cringed when I realized that she was no longer in her dress and had been running around all day. It's a good thing she is so dang cute!

1 comment:

Kei said...

She is totally adorable! I remember the 'growing bangs out' phase, in my own girls' and myself. Her shirt matches her face~ 'SWEET'! And her dimples... I am loving them!