Leigha and the Triplets

Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter Fun!

Easter really snuck up on us this year. The boys were born on Easter, and I thought March 27th was pretty early! This year it fell on the 23rd of March. Our new nanny, Katie, started working on Thursday. During nap time I was able to sneak out for a few hours to get some of the preparations done.

We had a late start dying our eggs. Thankfully, Leigha was happy just to be able to color on the eggs. I am sure she will expect more next year. We decided that everyone needed their name on an egg.

We were all ready to go!

Look at what the Easter Bunny brought the kids!

I have really learned to appreciate the Easter Bunny more the past few years. Even the Easter Bunny knows how to use my digital camera and take pictures of everywhere a real egg is hidden. Either that or he just knows that Mom is losing brain cells from drinking too much Diet Coke daily.

Leigha was thrilled to see that the Easter Bunny gave her Enchanted. She had been BEGGING me, relentlessly, to buy it for a week. I guess it's a good thing we didn't buy it!

Robert was the first to "find" an egg (Leigha let the boys find one each before she attacked).


Noah wasn't as thrilled as Robert, but he found his first egg!

Matthew was the extreme OPPOSITE of Robert. I pointed out an egg to him and he did everything to avoid it. When I finally got him to pick it up, it went crashing against the wall. He taught me to leave him alone and not force him to find eggs!

Robert, Noah, and Leigha did a good job of finding all of the eggs, although some of the trickier ones took a bit a longer. Mom started sweating when we couldn't find the last egg.

After the boys got dressed, we headed outside to find even more eggs. Unfortunately, Noah kept squeezing the eggs and therefore the candy would fly everywhere! Robert had to smell the candy corn before he would eat it. Sounds like something Leigha used to do! This was their first official candy!

Leigha was having a blast!

Robert wasn't doing such a bad job either.

Matthew could have cared less about the eggs, he just wanted to play.

Happy Easter!

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